• Lil Wayne is not the best rapper alive nor is Drake best of the freshmen class.
  • Tattoos on girls isnt very attractive to me, id rather see a classy girl than a bamf.
  • I dont understand why people dress up to go to class. Heels or a dress to sit down in a desk for an hour or so?
  • Apologizing numerous times makes the apology lose its value.
  • I just realized Ive only had 2 boyfriends in my entire teenage life so far.
  • Just like you have you to be a certain age to drive, it should be a law to forbid driving once you pass a certain age.
  • There are people who just cant seem to grow out of their 'azn' phase. HAHA
  • Neatorama.com is just as amazing as facebook.
  • Phoenix- Lisztomania plays in my head everytime I log onto this site.
  • Fruity alcoholic beverages are only good for 1 serving. Anymore after that will make me sick.
  • Im not a fan of being left handed when it comes to writing simply cause i smear everything after its written.
  • I feel pretty disrespectful to my nationality because I lack the language skills.
  • Marriage scares me.
  • Transferring to FSU is not on my list of irrelevant thoughts/opinions.
  • Today, a guy came into my job and got fitted for a tux. His name is Gaylord. I wondered what the kids/teachers thought of him when they found out his name in school.
  • Aliens are real.
  • Being single for the rest of my life does not bother me.
  • Kayne West's stunt at the VMA's was not mean, it was funny.
  • Despite the stupidity of Balloon Boy's parents, they're a G for naming their son Falcon.
  • Craigs list is to Internet as to Projects/Ghetto is to City.
  • Nasty teeth automatically make you unattractive.
  • Helvetica is one of my favorite fonts because its simple and that's pretty much what I am.
nov 17 2009 ∞
nov 19 2009 +