• forcing air into the bloodstream by way of a syringe through
    • the heart (_quicker_)
    • the eyes (_harder to trace_)
  • ice stakes, knives, and projectiles (_highly untraceable, due to ice's ability to melt_)
  • stuffing snow in victim's mouth til he suffocates (_likewise, highly untraceable_)
  • flat iron on victim's chest (_heats up the blood til it boils, cooking the heart_)
  • piano wire and high-velocity victim (_like hot knife through butter_)
  • finely-chopped tiger whiskers in food (_slow, painful, and almost untraceable. tiger whiskers, odorless and tasteless, have microscopic barbs that can repeatedly snag onto the intestinal walls once ingested. victim will be prescribed ridiculous amounts of antibiotics, to no effect, and will die due to either antibiotic overdose or massive intestinal ulcers_)
  • garden hose up the rectum (_a nazi technique, very messy_)
  • injecting potassium solution through the sole of the foot (_no chemical trace, no needle mark_)
oct 10 2008 ∞
nov 20 2009 +