things to know

lynn/amaiya (she/they) my main is @ioveflame

• if i let u follow me on here it means i like & trust u enough

• i may not accept every follow request, and also may softblock. this is only if i feel we aren't close enough, it isn't against you personally

• please be aware i'm mentally ill. content on this twt may potentially be triggering & i will not tag negativity or suicide

• i consider all of my mutuals on here my friend even if we haven't talked often don't be afraid to talk to me

• that being said, i may sometimes take long to reply to messages or not reply @ all. this is due to anxiety & avoidance , it doesn't have to do w you

please read my other lists ♥ ♥ ♥

mar 8 2017 ∞
jul 16 2017 +