i'm excited to listen to what they sounded like before THE album u know what i mean here we go

  • first time
    • this title is kinky already MHM
    • uuuUUUUUH the guitar in this sounds so familiar i couldn't stop thinking of that
    • the harmonies were sooooo good goddamn their voices are just TOOOOO good
    • i'm not surprised they're singing about girls but oh well
    • nice one to open up the album it gets you in the mood
    • i couldn't hear much piano in this one ??? but it's nice the bridge was nice i guess it was more vocally (edit: it was on the verses i just needed to listen BETER)
  • blood
    • mora says this one is her fave let's see what's up the title seems interesting
    • it didn't go where i was expecting it to go IT WAS EVEN BETTER
    • it had that dark aura ??? but then the chorus came and it was so FUNKY man loved it
    • the pre-chorus might be one of my faves by them it's just so good jae and wonpil fucked them up
    • the lyrics are alright it's the rhythm of this one that counts
    • i could listen to this song everyday for like six months and i wouldn't get tired that's just how good it is
    • (edit: said and done. this song is just SO good. bless them)
  • letting go
    • k listen the main reason why i enjoy the rebooted version is because sungjin's voice goes so much better in the chorus with the loud instrumentation (like in the seconds chorus of this) because this is AN EMOTIONAL SONG and his voice sounds even more vulnerable with that ???
    • i like it anyways it feels a little more acoustic-key
    • brian fucked up that bridge yassss honestly this song could never get old
    • the tight harmony hits me like it's the fucking first time i'll never get over it it just melts my heart to its core
  • sing me
    • the chorus i didn't EVER expect day6 to sound like this
    • the production lowkey saved it mhm
    • the lyrics were so cute is this a fan song it is for me sorry i don't make the rules
    • why did i feel like they were singing pick me i had war flashbacks to jingho dancing pick me on pentagon maker hashgashgsa
    • the guitar did things here !!!!
  • i hope
    • this is their best lyrics yet
    • k before i forget props to dowoon for the drums in this one specially in the bridge it took me to heaven
    • SUCH A PRETTY SONG i can relate so much sigh i needed to listen to this one
    • the little woos changed my life the instrumentation is also SO GOOD bles this song
    • my second fav ??? probs !!
  • hunt
    • last one i hope it's good let's goooo
    • JAE'S VOICE DID THINGS TO ME that man needs to be fucking stopped
    • the intrumental caught my attention right away
    • brian's rap you're a savage son lmfao
    • wonpil had many parts in this one we're satisfied
    • there were so many changes i like it
    • probs my third fave ??? GOD how can they not have bad songs sigh

i think i realised that brian's voice can do many things to me and that they're so talented one more time PROPS to all of them for writing and playing intruments honestly how do they come up with this shit i loved this album

  • vocals: fucking priceless. their voices are so good and combine so well, it's amazing. this album allowed them to show off different vocal skills and that makes me happy, they're so talented !!!
    • fav vocals: letting go (but all of them at the same time u know)
  • production: the album had such a lovely vibe, like, something very refreshing and teenager-y ???? idk what it is but i love it, it reminds me of summertime and happy times with my friends. they did an amazing job!
    • fav prouction: blood or hunt
  • instrumental/composition: MAN this is my fave aspect of this album like it has SO many changes and twists, it's endlessly interesting. i love the instruments so much, they complement their voices really well and also they sound incredible. the compositions were fresh and snatched me to my core a hundred times. i swear i could listen to this album on repeat for a whole day and i wouldn't get bored, they did that !!!
    • fav instrumental/composition: blood or hunt, again. they went off with those two
  • lyrics: tbh ONCE AGAIN there could've been more lyrics like the ones from i hope but hey even singing about girls they make it interesting so i'm not Really Complaining. would love to see it change tho !!!!
    • fav lyrics: i hope
sep 10 2017 ∞
oct 20 2017 +