i'm excited for this !!! also can i say that the artwork for this one looks even better than the last two ones like damn

  • jenga (feat. gaeko)
    • i LOOOOVE the instrumental, i love the way it sounds and the composition. this is her go-to sound and i'm in love with it, her voice fits with it so well and just . the combination makes me so so so happy we don't deserve her music
    • the lyrics were really nice, i liked the verses way more than the chorus, but just because i think that the chorus is a little bit simpler but much more emotional than what it seems like at first glance??
    • the atmosphere of the song was just so strong, i could feel the emotions from her voice, to the lyrics, to the instrumental and to the production. i simply loved it
    • the mini instrumental solo in the bridge UGH i was living
    • the second part of the chorus has a little wait and go vibe and i wasn't ready, it took me a lilttle but by surprise
    • gaeko's verse was nice and it complemented her voice well !!!
    • idk man i just loved the simplicity in this one it sounds just like her
  • but are you?
    • i wasn't ready i honestly wasn't ready for it to get this deep
    • her voice in the chorus and the adlibs in the end, she sounds like an angel. i'm loving it. her voice in this album is just out of my understanding
    • the lil piano in the verses and the intro to this song ugh i loved it i like the instrumental of this one + the lil electric guitar solo in the bridge + the guitar in the verses makes it sound so dreamy this song has a strong dreamy vibe
    • the verse lyrics AGAIN just wow she's just really letting all of her insecurities out and i usually don't really connect with love songs but Damn you can see that she's gone through a lot
    • again, the production in this one was just incredible. the dreamy vibe, the way all the instrumentals meshed together and with her voice, i'm loving this !!!
  • didn't know me
    • i imagine writing this song must've been hard for her??? this whole album, i mean, it must've been painful. but i'm glad she's doing well and that she's matured so much
    • again, the lyrics give off that mature vibe yet she's still longing for him. i really liked the way the first verse starts !!!
    • her VOICE again wow i'm just truly blown away. this is by far the prettiest she's ever sounded
    • the rain sounds in the background as well, it's still a recurrent theme in her songs but i'm not complaining because i love it
    • the instrumental for this one again, the piano sounded incredible, i liked it !!!
    • the production was very very nice
  • wish you well (with davii)
    • composition, right away, this one's so catchy and upbeat. very, very different to the rest of the songs in this album, as well !!! i really liked it, i liked the instrumental as well. it's nice to see her changing it up and playing around with another sound
    • this other person's voice, davii's, wow !!! i really liked it so much, and they both had a great chemistry in the song ?? idk i just Felt It
    • her voice sounded so so so pretty as well, and the emotions were well conveyed
    • the production was Lovely and i think that i might get bored of this song in the future because it's maybe a lil too repetitive but Damn listening to it for the first time was An Experience
    • i really liked the lyrics !!! the whole thing !!! was lovely !!! i'm already in love with this album
  • wind
    • OH FUCK IT UP !!!
    • i LOVED this mini interlude, i enjoy them way too much. this one reminded me of "dark clouds (feat. nafla)" for some reason ??? but the pinao was just lovely
    • the wind sounds in the end Yes get it
  • sorry
    • naaah dude her voice in this one as well, just wow. she's such a great singer and rapper, i adore the way she plays around with it. and her skatting? loveliest thing in the world, i'm in love
    • if the composition was any other than this one, i'd probably be crying. i'm happy she kept it mid-tempo, and i also loved the instrumental. the whole vibe of this album was just so well planned and produced. i'm so happy she gets to express herself like this
    • the lyrics are sad as fuck, and i guess that we all can relate to this from time to time. i just hope she's not on that train of thought anymore
    • production, again. just lovely, the way this whole album feels is dreamy and incredible. it does the album artwork justice, and that makes me tha happiest bitch
    • i'm really glad she didn't end this with a sad ballad

what a lovely experience !!! wow !!! i love her music so damn much !!

mar 29 2018 ∞
mar 29 2018 +