ok i shoud probably be sleeping but fuck it right lmao i hope i like this one right away though i doubt it !!! i always need some time with pentagon's music

  • violet(sus)
    • this mv is so confusing like ??? but it made me EMOTIONAL so it's amazing they look great as usual
    • this instrumental and composition ??? come through hyunggu
    • GOD this production i really wonder if hyunggu just took a risk with this or if it's the way he wants to approach music 'cause if so BOY YOU BETTER DO
    • the lyrics are just beautiful, and the vocals are gorgeous
    • i'm this close to say it's my new favourite pentagon song ugh it's so good
    • (edit: this is now my favourite pentagon song. i'm sorry, organic song, but you've been replaced. these feels are just out of this world)
    • (edit 2: i CAN'T stress this enough but these vocals and this instrumental and this production is truly is the best of the best they only make bops :( )
  • runaway
    • production is nice and the lyrics are nice as well
    • shinwon had so many parts !!! yes king show off !!!
    • this is their best title track regarding line distribution it's so fair i'm impressed
    • the instrumental and the composition are kinda simple and repetitive but they always make it interesting
    • THE CHOREO OF THIS MUST BE FIRE i wanna watch the dance practise already
    • yuto can fuck up bridges so well that's the best place for him in a song
    • not my favourite title track but they're finding their style more and more with each comeback and i'm digging it
    • (edit: yanan has got some really nice parts in this??? and his adlib in the bridge??? god he's gonna kill me)
    • (edit 2: these lyrics are literally SO good and the production just makes it all come together so nicely ??? also that bridge??? gold)
  • all right
    • A BOP
    • the start kinda reminded me of the vibe engine gave off when i first listened it ???
    • it lowkey reminds me of a bts vibe
    • IT'S SUCH A GOOD BOP production is on point and their voices sound great
    • the lyrics are really carefree we love being free !!!!
    • the instrumental and composition, again, simple and repetitive but they kept switching it up
    • props to hyojong he was doing the most he did great with the bridge
    • (edit: my new favourite bop. it's such a good song, so chill and laid back, i could listen to it all day on repeat)
  • pretty boys
    • it's all over the place i can't believe these kids
    • i'm noticing a trend in their rap line songs and i really like their sound it's so unique
    • the production is great and the way they play with the lyrics is lovely
    • the chorus will always make me laugh i'm not even sorry it's SO them
    • i felt like i didn't hear wooseok but it's because i kinda tend to confuse his voice with yuto's but i know he's there
    • a feel good song and a good follow-up to get that drink
    • (edit: it's so them it makes me smile it's crazy they're insane and i love it !!! kings of self-confidence)
    • (edit 2: that last section of this song is hilarious and amazing just saying)
  • stay
    • ok vocal line you better come through
    • this is one of their best bridges i'm not even kidding yanan sounds SO GOOD with those strings in the background
    • hwitaek's adlibs he did not comme here to play
    • vocals are as pretty as usual !!! props to them for making that work !!!
    • their ballads have such a specific sound and i'm getting used to it now and oh my god it's gorgeous they're finally descovering their own sound
    • production was Nice as well and lyrics were cute and everything
    • (edit: shinwon and hyunggu sweeties i'm so sorry you don't get the lines you deserve. i'll personally fight cube. you deserve so much more and better!!!)
    • (edit 2: changgu really out there opening all of these tracks he's kgot such a light, sunshine voice i enjoy it so much)

SOOOOO pentagon keeps defining itself as a group and i couldn't be more proud. their sound is evolving and so are they !!! i'm so glad to be here to witness their development, they really are something else !!!(edit: it's kind of hard to say more things about this whole thing because it is TOO SHORT ffs cube i hope they get to rest a lot and release a full album soon it's what my kings deserve!!!)

  • production: they keep with this chill vibe following up the last album, and i'm ejoying it so much. this is gonna sound GREAT in winter. their albums are always so special but this one just ugh they've worked so hard for it :( i'm proud of them i know they'll only keep on getting better and better.
    • favourite prodution: violet but also pretty boys
  • vocals: i still can't tell who's voice is who i'm working on it though 'cause al of their voices are so pretty just... thank you for this masterpiece and your hard work i just want them to feel appreciated :( rap line was out there doing the most, as usual, they sound better than ever.
    • fav vocals: i mean it has to be stay but they sounded So Good in violet :(
  • composition/instrumental: this album is so well composed like YES kings of wanting to do it all themselves. the beats are catchy and so chill at the same time, the transitions are seemless and the instrumentals are out of this world. each song is so different from the previous one, i love it !!! please keep on doing your own music babies :(
    • fav composition/instrumental: violet
  • lyrics: i just. wanna bow down in front of hyojong and hyunggu like this was their time to shine my boys fucked their verses up. they did incredible, all of them, as a follow up of the first demo and i'm ready and need to keep on getting more of these well written bops.
    • fav lyrics: i'm torn between violet, runaway and all right they're all so good omg
nov 24 2017 ∞
dec 13 2017 +