i'm honestly so confused with these teasers lmao i don't even know man

  • red flavor
    • the production in this ??? this caught my attention right away !!!!! it's so lit, there's so much happening in the background
    • their harmonies ffs they have such pretty voices :(
    • not really sure about the instrumental or composition in this but i'm sure it'll grow on me
    • i really liked the way their voices went with this vibe, and the rap was good too
  • you better know
    • i'm afraid to say that i didn't like it that much :( i mean,,,, from an objective point of view, it's an amazing song,,, but it just doesn't hit me right away,,, i think i'll end up loving it though
    • the lyrics are so encouraging and inspiring i love them
    • they showcased their vocals once again and they're really pretty
    • lmao i can already tell that it will be stuck in my head 24/7
    • i think that there's something up with the instrumental and/or the production in this one and that's what making me have second thoughts about it,,,
  • zoo
    • i think that it's the one that i like the most up until now
    • the production in this ??? it's a yes from me
    • such a random vibe lmao why wasn't this the title track whoops :p
    • the bridge and post-bridge are my favourite thing ever their vocals are really good once again they showcased them v v well
    • it's so interesting like ??? idk there's something about it
  • mojito
    • i wasn't really buying the intro but then it //really\\ started and i was so into that catchy composition yasss
    • their vocals are so pretty where is my wig it's almost efortless for them
    • such an experience ??? i mean i kinda like it but //i'm not sure\\ why is it always like this with them
    • it's got a nice catchy vibe tho v v nice
  • hear the sea(sus)
    • THE VOCALS IN THIS WHERE IS MY WIG dear god they make it seem so efortless
    • oh my god i love me a good instrumental :( the vibe of this one is so so so pretty this is my favourite kind of instrumental
    • it's got pretty lyrics as well and the whole thing just comes together so nicely
    • i really want to sue them because of those vocals omg they did that
    • my new favourite zoo can choke

alright alright since it came out it's grown so so so much on me and i adore it so much it's such a pretty and calm album i really like this vibe here we go

  • lyrics: so lovely !!! they have the loveliest metaphors and nice lyrics in general. they really went and included the colour red in every single song lmao you go girls
    • fav lyrics: probably you better know
  • vocals: HOLY they can sing and they know it honestly they have the prettiest and most angelical voices sing me to sleep pls and their raps were so good as well of course they can pull off both
    • fav vocals: hear the sea or you better know
  • instrumental: so lovely and chil!!! they had great rhythms and you could totally FEEL the vibe of the summer throughout the whole album, can't wait to actually listen to it when it's summertime
  • fav instrumental: hear the sea(sus) it's just magical
  • prodcution: overall great !!! as usual. there were some tracks that were more interesting in that sense but they all sounded amazing. it gave the album an uniform sound and a great vibe, once again. they killed it!
    • fav production: zoo where is my wig i still can't recover also red flavor has an interesting one shout out to that bop !!!
jul 12 2017 ∞
aug 7 2017 +