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  • "I don't fancy sitting next to a box of chicken."
  • "I lose all respect for someone once I see them pee in public."
  • "This is hardly rape weather."
  • "Her privacy settings are pretty much nonexistent."
  • (in deep voice) "I'm not butch! Where'd you get that idea?!"
  • "GO TO BED YOUNG LADY!... before I traumatize you accidentally."
  • "Why the hell are the only boys on MADE completely GAY and very unaware?"
  • "We could make a sexual comparison here, but that would make you an omnivore... which you aren't."
  • "~sigh~ I've drawn pictures of him." "I can honestly say that in my year and a half of blind adoration, I have drawn only one picture of her, and it was a cartoon-y cutesy thing that mimicked the style of something she had drawn for me. You have effectively moved into creepy stalker area."
  • "Hello my name is... Rapist."
  • "I nearly dropped my circular needles!"
  • "Are you checking out Brooke's ass?!" "I can't help it, it's my eyes! Whenever somebody walks in front of me, I stare at their ass."
  • "I would be honored to wear your children."
  • "There's this kid that was on the news who has to have blood transfusions every week, and I thought, 'omg, she's a vampire'."
  • "I don't like tacos."
dec 16 2008 ∞
feb 6 2009 +