• "His hand had a heat and weight that only real hands do."
  • "blocky primitive fingers"
  • "I wondered how many women had sat on this toilet and stared at this floor. Each of them the center of their own world; all of them yearning for someone to put their love into."
  • "A new word, I would come up with it right now - which letters would I use? S, for sure. Maybe an O. Was this how words are made? How would I announce the word? Who would I contact about that?"
  • "Living just meant not dying."
  • "We would turn the light when good news came and if it never came we would live in the dark like this forever."
  • "It's like wearing something beautiful and eating something delicious at the same time."
  • "It hardly seemed safer than falling in l...
oct 2 2015 ∞
oct 2 2015 +
  • when the leisures of humanity no longer amuse you
  • when retreating into your imagination causes no distraction
  • it's not me it's you
    • it's me and it's you
      • it's not me and you
        • it's you and just you
  • when you cut the hand that's suffocating you
    • and the one that loved you too
  • what will be left of me in the end?
  • which you will you be today?
    • a hedonistic shell
  • discover a new feeling
feb 9 2015 ∞
oct 3 2015 +
  • Everywhere and at all times, men and women have sought, and duly found, the means of taking a holiday from the reality of their generally dull and often acutely unpleasant existence. A holiday out of space, out of time, in the eternity of sleep or ecstasy, in the heaven or the limbo of visionary phantasy.
    • "Anywhere, anywhere out of the world."
  • How many of the current ideas of eternity, of heaven, of super-natural states are ultimately derived from the experiences of drug-takers?
  • Necessity is the mother of invention
    • The age of inventions— and yet nobody has succeeded in inventing a new pleasure.
  • But because the machines are modern it does not follow that the entertainments whi...
nov 4 2014 ∞
oct 2 2015 +