• i had BPD and frequently went into periods of paranoia involving those close to me either spying on me or trying to poison me at times.
  • i remember that i had a lot of comfort foods? like white cheddar macncheese i think was one.
  • i think either i knew alana a while back or she tutored me in something. i remember sitting in a library with her and snapping at her before she got upset and left i guess?
  • me and my evan weren't really that close? we w e r e, kind of, but i got pretty distant, it's complicated.
  • i was on a park bench when i tried to kill myself, i went into a coma? maybe?
  • zoe ended up flipping out on evan saying that she 'had to pull the plug' at some point with no background context.
may 18 2017 ∞
sep 3 2017 +