• my mom once hit? flicked? someone because they tried picking me up without asking first
  • my mom carried me almost everywhere while she could okay
  • i found out about laurens through discovering the letters between him and my father in what im guessing was the attic. i asked my mother about who john laurens was and i think i made up some excuse and i was given a brief hushed statement about how he was someone my father was friends with and how he died in battle.
  • i was closer with my mother than i was with my father but hOT DAMN IF I DIDNT TRY EVERY SECOND TO BE JUST LIKE HIM
  • i actually did so much research on laurens just for him to become my no.1# role model (what would John Laurens do)
  • i heard John Laurens was loud so i decided to be loud too
  • i think i played violin as well as piano?
  • mother put a lot of small details on my clothing like tiny bows on the corners or little bits of frill ?if i asked?
jun 30 2017 ∞
jul 22 2017 +