So, basicly this series talks ab some students that have strange and cool power in their self. And it's different based on their capabillity and habbit. Also there's alredy S2 on air: The Gifted Gradution. TGG series talk ab the same story, but the different is they're more mature, more cooperation, plus there a new cast :) Go watch it in yt, but dont forget use VPN :(


This series also talk school series like 'tg'. And for me this genre is like mystery! We must be confused with the plot of the story and think a lot whose the back of the problem! Im sure y'all must get confused and suprise when u know the ending. VERY RECOMMENDED!!! +plot twist abiezZZ


If u like to watch series with the genre are mystery, horror, vodoo, and thriller, its not a problem right to watch this series? Yes that's the genre of Longkhong the series. I kinda not satisfied hnstly with the ending. Not because it's bad, but i dont like the ending like that. My expectation is not like dat. This series kinda manupulation tho. (WARN: THIS SERIES CONTAIN BLOOD, VODOO STUFF, MYSTICAL)

sep 19 2020 ∞
sep 19 2020 +