• That time where it was my mom,s birthday and there was a lunar eclipse and we went out in the snow running and playing around and we had so much fun
  • That time i came back for a few days from Calgary and Clem was waiting for me with balloons when i thought i'd have to take a cab home by myself.
  • That time i first saw my best friend Madou after i really came back from Calgary and my room was still filled with unpacked boxes and we sat on the mattress on the floor and we talked for hours laughing andplaying with our hands.
  • That time at a party sur Bélanger, when my dad and I sat in the stairs betewwn the doors while everyone was still inside and we talked and it's the first time i was honest with how school was going and how boys were mean to me (it was in elementary school), it was the first time i had a deep conversation with him.
  • The whole week at Cuba with my mom, especially the moments we were so close as when we screamed "HIGHJACK" together as we saw a pedalo pass along.
  • When i turned 18 and my brother got me this very special card about though cookies and i felt as if he had listened to me and that he cared so much, i felt so loved.
  • That time i went to train track with Clem and we ate a reese pie while watching fireworks and listening to good music ( a bit high)
  • That time i realized i could get whoever i wanted if i tried (thanks É.)
  • singing "creep" by Radiohead with Judas playing guitar in the park, that one time
  • The first evening I spent with Judas, The Room at the journal, the litchi-vodka-soda mix, the walk till the hill in the moonlight, the flying stars during our conversations, the coyote, the hot chocolate back at my place after he gave me a ride, American Beauty in my bed, the depth of his eyes in the red light, the kiss.
  • My first orgasm with a partner (Judas) and how happy I was right after, so much that I burst into tears while laughing because I felt like it was yet another proof that he is my soulmate
apr 26 2016 ∞
nov 5 2017 +