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mindy ambarsan (she/her)

❝ I'm the hero of this story, don't need to 8e saved. (x)

-------------------------------------------------------------- (icon by ren-ne-rei)

presence ★★★☆☆ | sociability ★★★★☆

timeline loveland AU

  • age 45, born nov. 11th, 1971
  • gender female
  • ex-wife to daniel ambarsan, mother of calder ambarsan (jojo) and adair ambarsan.


god tier sylph of light

demeanor surprisingly approachable, odd sense of humor, cool if strange mom

interests card games, literature



  • makes coffee for everyone every morning.
  • spends most days hanging around the breakfast table off the kitchen, talking to whoever happens to come around.
  • talks to stan and slick a lot.
aug 15 2016 ∞
oct 19 2016 +