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stanley pines (he/him)

❝ and the story keep on rollin out from a sad mans tongue. (x)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (icon by sovonight)

presence ★★★☆☆ | sociability ★★★☆☆

timeline canon

  • age sixties, born june 15th
  • gender male
  • not what he seems


god tier thief of void

demeanor a bit gruff, can come off as abrasive, thinks fast, much more clever than he lets on, loyal, dedicated

interests theatrical makeup


role protector

  • surprisingly helpful, particularly when it comes to getting h.b. to eat and dealing with antagonists.
    • he's a man of action, rolls with the punches and seldom stops to ask questions.
    • this makes him very effective against any spooks that drop by; if they rear their ugly head, he socks them in the face.
  • has a certain fondness for the Knight, and sort of treats him like family.
  • hangs out with mindy most of the time, and sometimes keeps an eye on sis and mom.
  • currently the only guest who can see gaster, much to his chagrin.
aug 15 2016 ∞
oct 19 2016 +