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w. d. gaster (he/him)


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (icon by semlimit)

presence ★★☆☆☆ | sociability ★★☆☆☆

timeline varies

  • age unknown
  • gender unspecified
  • what a mysterious juego


god tier void player

demeanor cryptic



role wild card

  • entered in the midst of chaos involving the antagonists, "slipped in through the cracks" as he puts it.
    • unknown if he was existent before, or if he came into the headspace during the event.
    • either way he scared off the antagonists and apparently held things together long enough for the others to get back to their senses.
    • vanished immediately afterward.
  • evidently exists outside of the field of view of everyone but the facets and stan, somehow; no one else knows he was there at all, only picking up on a strange feeling.
  • also appears to passively short out zenyatta and likely other machinery as well, albeit unintentionally. he stated that he will find a way to avoid doing such in the future.
  • later gave the Sylph a flower in the midst of them panicking before promptly disappearing again.
  • seems to dig up forgotten things, i.e. resurfacing what few bits of sign language H.B. knows & humming "memory" (x) despite H.B. not remembering the song off the top of his head.
  • will not speak in plain text, but translations can be provided.
    • if he ever tweets [IN THIS FORMAT], it can be assumed a facet is translating his signing/webdings for convenience.
oct 7 2016 ∞
oct 19 2016 +