- Right Now
- Watching Friends with Em in the lounge [as usual]
- Missing Barky
- Needing to go to bed pronto
- Biting my freshly painted (87 cent) nail polish off my nails :(
- Regret not going to Onething in Nashville
- School
- Being overwhelmed by school work and really wondering what the point is
- The plan is to look up turtle trivia
- Needing Spring break to start now-ish
- Needing to clean my pigsty of a room
- Stop feeling guilty for missing my classes
- Ministries
- BACKYARD!!!!!! :) Hector is my favorite little boy ever
- Friends
- Feelin crusty about missing Skype date with Bekka
- Loving me & Em time
- Had some good bonding time with Barrett today!
- Planned a road trip to see Jennifer and have dinner!
- Being feisty about girls I'm annoyed with. It's a major flaw.
mar 7 2010 ∞
mar 7 2010 +