• when someone leaves my bedroom door open, even though it was closed when they came in.
  • people who correct my grammar! if you can correct me, you obviously know what I am trying to communicate.
  • the feeling of rugs
  • people who knock on the door as they're walking in, might as well not waste the effort of knocking.
  • the fact that they even have a skip limit on pandora
  • how popular facebook has become.
  • wearing socks/mittens/gloves. they make me feel claustrophobic. toe socks are the worst.
  • radio stations that play the same ten songs over and over again.
  • being told what to do/what not to do.
  • people who cannot keep a conversation going
  • paper fringes, or whatever you call them, when you rip a paper out of a spiral notebook
  • when someone asks to "borrow" a pencil and never returns it. I would have let you keep it if you had asked.
  • tail gaters. this is not going to get you anywhere faster, ass hole.
  • people who talk on their cell phones while on the bus or in the check-out line at a store.
  • pennies. probably one of the most useless items ever.
  • when people leave empty boxes in the pantry. way to get my hopes up.
  • that the library is closed on sundays
  • people who pretend my jokes aren't funny. I know that they are.
  • doing the dishes and how I always end up getting a line of water across my shirt where the sink is. Yeah, I don't have a dishwasher.
  • Getting sunburnt on the top of my head, and how bad it hurts in the shower. (Note: the bottom of your feet, however, is by far the worst!)
  • spiders. moths. bugs of any kind. ESPECIALLY when they're inside.
  • hearing someone say your name when you don't know what they're talking about
  • how quickly my phone battery dies
  • People who still think it is funny to pop out at me in the dark. It's ok when I do it to you, though.
  • Waking up early for anything not exciting
  • When nobody says bless you after I sneeze
  • Having to repeat myself
  • public bathrooms. I refuse to use them unless it is an absolute emergency
  • Elevators that make a lot of noise. I'm already not a big fan of confined spaces.
  • Always being the one that has to move out of the way when the sidewalk is not wide enough when walking with friends
  • Relatives that always ask about my non-existant love life
  • When people say things like "it could be worse," as if that will help the current situation at all
  • bad hair days when I have somewhere to go
  • being made fun of for the way that I pronounce certain words
  • waiting. for anything.
  • Being called dude.
  • When people ask you to do something and then complain that it wasn't how they wanted it done. If it was that important, you should have done it yourself.
  • When people I'm not a huge fan of touch me. Don't rub my back if you think I'm upset: that is not comforting, that is infuriating. don't pat my head, I am not a dog. and here's a tip: don't try to give me a hug, ok.
  • Talking on the phone. especially when other people are around to eavesdrop.
  • When the commercials are way louder than the TV show so that you constantly have to change the volume back and forth.
  • Waking up at a time like 6:00, that is way too boring. I would rather start my day off right at 6:03 or 5:59.
  • People who don't press clear when they're done using the microwave.
  • When the TV is left on, but the cable is turned off so that when you walk by (if you have young ears) you can hear that high pitched sound.
  • When the power comes back on and all the clocks in the house are blinking.
may 6 2012 ∞
sep 23 2012 +