• I am also kin with the ever-hated and controversial ks character Sangwoo. Yes, while some small part of me may always ID as him, it does not affect my daily life and everything about me is really tame since I've found my Yoonbum. I don't post pictures of it anymore. I generally avoid shifts like the plague as well now that I'm not on speaking terms with my canonmate.
  • I'm also kin with Humanstuck Vriska but I was more talk than walk. I was just an edgy spitfuck that decided all of my important life decisions with any 8-ball that agreed that it was a dumb cunt.
  • I'm kin with JD but he's no longer anything close to an ID. I never get in shifts and I don't care about my timeline.
  • Ohohoh I'm kin with Gamzee Makara, even worse? I ID as him. But bruh, it was a humanstuck timeline. I'm just some ridiculously tall guy with crazy friends that fell in love with a guarded angry dude crying at a bus stop and died too young and too soon. So no worries.
  • Will always ID as Bro a little bit because he was the first person I identified as but all my Bro timelines were sweet and good and for the most part wholesome. The other one is more troubling forme than anyone else and I don't really EVER talk about it.
  • YES I AM KIN WITH SOMEONE FROM BOKU NO PICO I'm not ashamed of it and I don't feel bad about it. I don't even talk about it so please don't give me a hard time.
  • I have a REALLY cursed Mabel timeline, I don't talk about it, please don't ask about it, close friends know what it is and while I think it's HILARIOUS I am w e l l a w a r e that most other people would not feel the same.
may 3 2017 ∞
sep 27 2018 +