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  • name: yook sungjae
  • vocal
  • 1995/05/02
    • youngest member of the group, the fucking devil incarnate
    • can't breathe without being extra, (in)famous for never being serious on public broadcasts
    • member of kpop comedy group Big Byung (stage name: yookduck)
    • his iconic chinese introduction
    • top of the btob food chain w/ hyunsik, crushes the rest of the members like mice, especially changsub
    • exaggerates every facial expression even in official mvs for their songs x x x
    • addicted to fishing
    • posts memes on his instagram, changsub keeps getting pissed because he's posted this same pic of him on insta at least 3 times
nov 8 2016 ∞
nov 8 2016 +