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I have found:

  • N/A

I am looking for:

  • Atsuko "Akko" Kagari
  • Lotte Yansson
  • Sucy Manbavaran
  • Amanda O'Neil
  • Constanze
  • Jasminka Antonenko
  • Shiny Chariot

About Me:

My life as Diana varied HEAVILY from the show in several ways. First of all, if you thought there was a straight bone in my entire body you were wrong. If there was a way for me to physically be any more of a lesbian than I was, I think Luna Nova would have imploded.

Anyway, after Akko learned how to properly be a witch, she became like Shiny Chariot: a protector and a role model for future witches. We were fighting a war with evil and we thought we were winning. And then I watched her die. It was my fault. I was careless. I didn't properly assess the situation and I was frozen in place and she knocked me out of the way. She was defending me, Shiny Rod in hand and a nearly finished death-blow of a spell on her lips when the tail of the creature we were fighting pierced her throat. I can still hear the sounds. She said my name, right before she was gone.

I blacked out after that. Amanda would tell me later that I had taken Shiny Rod from where it had fallen from Akko's hands and let loose more magic than she had ever witnessed in her life, killing everything connected to the monster and levelling the entire forest in one fell move and I remember none of it. She had to carry Akko and I back to Luna Nova by herself.

I spent a lot of time after that alone studying the craft until my nose bled and my thoughts were nothing but Latin and power. I let people back into my life maybe six months after Akko's death. My magic was taking a toll on me I was killing myself. Sucy and Lott were the first ones I let back in and the first to notice I was running myself into the ground.

Sucy's bright idea to get me to take care of myself was to give me a cat. She made Lotte take credit for it but with the way that cat acted, Sucy HAD to have been the one who picked her out. I named her Paplio because she was a golden tabby and the same color as the butterlies. She went by Lio most of the time. I fell in love with that stupid little beast. Lio hated Sucy which I found ironic considering how similar they were.

Amanda was the last person I let back in and she became my best friend. She and I were inseparable and Lio loved her. She was closer to me than my own family and was there the night that Akko returned- probably about two years after her death. She had no idea how she had come back but she was more powerful than ever and in perfect health- not a scratch on her. It took a long time for the two of us to get back together because I had grieved over her and moved on and made my peace and here she was back again like it hadn't been more than a day and I didn't know how to proceed. It was a rough time but we found our rhythm, with me continuing to take the place of Shiny Chariot and her as my righthand lady.

sep 18 2019 ∞
oct 17 2019 +