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I have found:

  • N/A

I am looking for:

  • Samantha Nishimura
  • Jonah Maiava
  • Conrad Roth
  • Richard Croft
  • Amelia Croft
  • Winston

About Me:

Our trip to the island of Himiko went exactly as the 2013 Tomb Raider Game depicted... except a lot gayer. Sam and I were together from the start, we'd been dating since college so that was like. A big ole thing. And Jonah was very protective of the both of us, mostly me because he'd known me for ages, but he took Sam under his wing like it was no big thing. And Roth loved Sam too, he was so glad to see me happy for once after all the tragedy and turmoil that had followed me my entire life.

Roth's death hit me harder than anything. I didn't have much of a family growing up with my mothers' death on that flight and my fathers' disappearance; Roth and Winston were the closest things to a father-figure than I had ever known before. And losing him- especially like that- was really hard for me.

When we got off the island, Sam and I took a break for her to get herself together again after being used as a puppet for the goddess of death and disease which is entirely understandable. We got back together a little before the events of Shadow of the Tomb Raider which was another reason I was so goddamn distraught; because at that point I thought I was never going to get back home to her again. The world was going to end, it was going to be my fault, and I was never going to get to see Sam before I died. Jonah was my rock and my driving force for the entirety of that ordeal. I'd be dead without him.

He called me 'Little Bird' and to this day, it makes me smile when he says it. I miss him so much. I never had any siblings but I think Jonah was the closest thing to a brother I ever had.

sep 18 2019 ∞
oct 17 2019 +