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to fingerprint the avenues of my life...

certainly 30.
quite wifey.
stay-at-home mommy of two.
voracious reader.
lifelong learner.
elaborate lister.

cheers to this beautiful life! ~ella

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lea to do (bucketlist.)

before starting college i seriously considered majoring in these:

  • photography
  • psychology
  • neuroscience
  • music

... & settled for Biology, even though i got a C in highschool with it (i figured i loved dissecting and working with my hands...and that should see me through).. my dream, naively, was to become a neurosurgeon. had no idea you had to become a doctor first! lol... after majoring in Biology for 3 years, i found myself in the darkest hole (one class jeapordized my few years of working my GPA up from a 2.4 average...), that i seriously considered switching to:

  • social science
  • photography
  • recording arts
  • music

... & ended up with majoring in Liberal Studies, with a minor in Biology. it was the only major that could accept what i've done already in college without having to do much more. at that point i just wanted to graduate and finish with a degree. in any major. it didn't matter what major because i seriously considered becoming a flight attendant right after college. then i got freaked out of flight attending because of 9/11. but during my switch to Liberal Studies, i finally found joy in my classes, especially those geared especially towards education. for the first time in college i was getting A's and excelling. and when i like something, i tend to do very well in it. i then seriously pursued teaching, teaching multiple subjects (k-12). and happily finished. =)

jan 19 2010 ∞
jan 19 2010 +