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to fingerprint the avenues of my life...

certainly 30.
quite wifey.
stay-at-home mommy of two.
voracious reader.
lifelong learner.
elaborate lister.

cheers to this beautiful life! ~ella

listography NEW NEWS
lea to do (bucketlist.)

but absolutely need to be done in 2 months' time!

  • organize cd collection
  • organize books in bedroom bookrack & store hardly used books downstairs in garage
  • go through closet and store clothes that don't fit in garage
  • get rid of the old computer/tv/computer keyboard in the garage
  • refurbish & wrap Huggies diaper boxes for storage boxes
  • organize kayla's paperwork
    • separate her drawings from her schoolwork
    • pick the best drawings & best schoolwork & throw out the rest
  • organize old pix of mine
  • check out reading certification at CSUF
  • check out qualifications to teach at junior college nearby
jan 19 2010 ∞
jan 19 2010 +