Malak said i used to have "Im alissa and i love dark chocolate" in my bio for so long but i dont remember it. So now i will have this as a commitment forever. He said its a berenstein bears effect. "Why does she have that", malak thought when we were younger. This was all prompted by me saying to her "u noticed i like chocolate a lot" and then '"U noticed" alissa im like 90% sure the whole world knows' Alissa is a slut for chocolate specially dark chocate but milk chocolate is awesome as well and when u put strawberry flavors on it??? Amazing. Coconut filling? Peanuts? Other nuts? I lose my goddamn mind i lovw chocolate milk and chocolate cake anand chocolate pie and cchoco icecream and ganache and mousse and BRIGADEIRO

jul 5 2020 ∞
jul 5 2020 +