• I'm technically Bi, since I'm willing to date men and NB folks, but I prefer to ID as Gay since I'm only attracted to the non-femme.
  • I also prefer (at least in theory) being with those who consider themselves male-aligned/male, even if I'm completely willing to date those who align with/ID as neither.
  • Additionally, all the characters I tend to love and get attached to are 99% male. The rare 1% does happen, but female characters are the only time I feel "attraction" to a woman of any kind.
  • On principle, I will not date anyone younger than 20. This number will probably go up as I get older. I also have no(0) idea how much older than me I'd allow my partner to be yet.
  • I'm a bottom. Yes, real mlm have preferences.
  • Lastly, I'm not actually 100% sure about where I stand in terms of sexual attraction, but gray-ace or demisexual are usually where I lean & feel the most comfortable to me. Sex feels good and all, but while I'm willing to participate in the act, I just lack (or at least rarely have) the capacity to be actively sexually attracted to anyone.
nov 8 2017 ∞
feb 25 2018 +