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  • Acosmist - one who believes that nothing exists
  • Apodyopsis - the act of mentally undressing someone
  • Brontide - the low rumbling of distant thunder
  • Dalliance - a brief love affair
  • Drapetomania - an overwhelming urge to runaway
  • Dwale - to wander about deliriously
  • Dysania - the state of finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning
  • Gambrinous - being full of beer
  • Logophile - a lover of words
  • Nelipot - one who walks without shoes
  • Paralian - a person who lives near the sea
  • Petrichor - a term coined to describe the scent we recognize after a rain, especially on dry ground; created by a combination of oils exuded by plants during dry spells, and geosmin, the bacteria which gives earth its distinctive smell
  • Phosphenes - the stars and colors you see when you rub your eyes
  • Phrontistery - a thinking-place; a place of study
  • Tarantism - the urge to overcome melancholy by dancing
  • Woolgathering - indulgence in idle fancies and in daydreaming; absentmindedness
  • Yugen - an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for words
aug 21 2011 ∞
aug 24 2011 +