• 30/01 : went to a crappy party. wanted to cry on the ride home. had to take a cab all by myself for the first time. met steve, the cab driver. pretty nice guy. met william. not a nice guy. i will never go out with this group of friends again.
  • 31/01 : woke up and stayed in. made a terrific roasted chicken with mum. continued reading "le cercle des incorrigibles optimiste" in the living room while rain was pouring outside.
  • 01/02 : stayed in. cleaned my room. studied a bit. nothing crazy.
  • 02/02 : it snowed during the night. when i went out to go to school, it was all melted. my socks and boots were full of freezing water. had to come back home to change. discovered i had nothing else to wear. had to stay in and miss school (how sad). went to my last course of the day, came back. finally got my hand on charlie hebdo's last issue. su' dropped by. she loved valencia. had a nice evening.
  • 03/02 : woke up early. had time to have a nice breakfast, then school. arrived early (for once). saw n from afar. he is so dreamy omg. went to a course without my friends. heard alex say to his groupe of friends about me "yeah she's cute but she seems to have a bad temper" hahaha oh honey, excuse my permanent bitch face, i'm actually pretty nice. sat next to a girl who i discovered shares the same birthday as me !!!! the universe works in mysterious ways... the class was interesting. almost fell on my way to the bus station. i think i saw thierry henry from afar. not sure.
  • 04/02 : woke up sick, sneezing like a mofo. stayed at home.
  • 05/02 : woke up. felt a bit better. got ready to go to uni but then discovered that mum took my navigo. couldn't go out. had to stay in (again). watched the "book thief" and "white chicks" and finished watching "teen wolf".
  • 06/02 : i failed my first semester but it's not over yet. i will do better for the next one. i'm actually quite peaceful. i knew i wasn't going to have amazing results, so that might explain why i feel like this. still sick.
  • 07/02 : went to les Tuileries to observe a bunch of people with J for one of our classes. it was way too cold. then we went to her house. she lives in such an amazing arrondissement it's not even funny. her appartment is my dream appartment. we talked. we talked. and we talked. and then we finished our homework. i left and was kinda lost because i never venture in this part of Paris. got home ok. learned that my credit card got hacked or something like that. had to call the bank. i can't use my CC anymore. man, that sucks.
  • 30/09 : woke up at 10am. had a dream about having my own cosmetic line. did some research online, then dropped it. for lunch i ate fajitas and it was awesome. was late to my first class because of how good the fajitas were. class was very boring. we talked about n with my friend for about 5 minutes very excitedly before realizing he was right next to us. smoked two cigarettes in a row and started to shake like a chihuahua. went to another class. our teacher is as lost as we are. bumped into n again in the corridor. went home.
  • 01/10 :
jan 31 2015 ∞
sep 30 2015 +