- ♪♬♫ stardew valley
- ♪♬♫ minecraft
- ♪♬♫ overwatch
- ♪♬♫ brooklyn 99 (acab but this show is really funny and i love andy samberg)
- ♪♬♫ fnaf
- ♪♬♫ kurtis conner
- ♪♬♫ schaffrillas productions (shrek franchise my beloved)
- ♪♬♫ i really love baking/cooking (send me recipes!! i will appreciate it :D)
- ♪♬♫ my s/o has recently shown me this song maker and its fun!! if youre curious abt the results, check it out on soundcloud ig
oct 24 2021 ∞
jan 12 2022 +