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  • 2010-01-14ad/ad
    • vip room: yokomine sakura (yokomine's golfing prize money, part-time job, vs arashi putting contest)
    • mannequin five: 2010 first date (tokujo kabachi cast/horikita maki)
    • comment: vip room was slightly dull. mannequin five was alright. not really a fan of aiba's outfit, expected him to be near the bottom, lol.
  • 2010-02-04ad/ad
    • vip room: kimura kaela (kouhaku, knitting, songwriting, thai massages)
    • doubt action: super bitter genburi tea, stinky hell, painful foot pressure point massage)
    • comment: ohno's thai massage, lol. everyone going over to check, hehe. everyone in arashi is so good at not reacting, geez.
  • 2010-02-18ad/ad
    • vip room: karina (modelling, tamago kake gohan, gachapin impressions and goods)
    • best answer advisory office: ishida junichi (marriage and playboy image)
    • comment: jun in glasses c: the gachapin impressions, lol. ohno's answer in the advisory office segment was so short, hahaha.
  • 2010-03-04ad/ad
    • vip room: nakagawa shoko (underwater pressure demonstration, cats, showing painful expressions)
    • doubt action: super sour umeboshi, stinky hell, ticklish hell
    • comment: cats!! :3 i wanted to see them hold the cats some more... aiba getting tickled in doubt action was so funny and cute, lol.
  • 2010-03-11ad/ad
    • vip room: kitagawa keiko (cool/manly side, ideal boyfriend, men in white coats and black glasses)
    • mannequin five: outfits with animal prints
    • comment: i can sorta relate to keiko being relatively distant, lol. and i will never understand the mannequin five customers. no way sho should be last??? idek. jun was so~ happy though :3
  • 2010-04-15 2hr sp ★ ad/ad
    • vip room: shimada shinsuke (career history, arashi's debut motivation, married and family life, outlook on love and cheating, mc style, breakthrough artists, new show)
    • mote arashi dame arashi:
    • what's your best pick-up line?
    • what would you do if you ran into your ex while on a date with your girlfriend?
    • if you broke up with your girlfriend, what would you do with the remaining photos and other things?
    • vip room: abe hiroshi (v no arashi, fugashi, pronunciation lessons, what's in the box game, hit or cover rock-paper-scissors)
    • comment: the shimada shinsuke talk was interesting... but there were also some parts i didn't like... >_> nino's abs during mote arashi dame arashi!! hehe. the what's in the box game is always fun. do it more often, please :D
  • 2010-04-29 mannequin five sp (gotemba premium outlet) ★ nck/nck
    • comment: ohno was the deserved winner (even though he cheated, lol). aiba ranked too low!! nino should've been in the bottom two, with jun. and sho should've been third. jun... i get what you were trying to do (what does it say about me that i get it? hahaha eek), but the execution... nino's outfit had too many damn layers UGH, it legit frustrates me, lol. jun's photoshoot was sooo cute though!!! that slightly long, wavy hairstyle is the best, ahhhhh ♥♥♥
  • 2010-05-13ad/ad
    • vip room: mori izumi (introducing her pets, presenting new pet candidates)
    • doubt action: death sauce, stinky hell, icy cold hell
    • comment: ahhh, so many animals! (but no cats. boo.) the marmoset, penguin, mini horse... so cute :3 the camel peed on nino's seat, lol. i never would've guessed nino or jun during doubt action :o
  • 2010-05-27ad/ad
    • vip room: kuroki meisa (being discovered, swordfighting special skills, high class meat dishes)
    • ranking derby:
      • senpai you would fall in love with (university students)
      • coolest member (yankees in north tokyo)
      • member you want to be reborn as (yonekura ryoko)
    • comment: mini sakumoto moment when jun pretended to be meisa and started rubbing his arm, hehe c: ohno getting angry at sho, lol (jun's giggle in the background!). ranking derby was hilarious. poor nino and sho!
  • 2010-06-10ad/ad
    • vip room: naka riisa (sibling lookalike, acting, dj'ing, flashy fashion show)
    • doubt action: dachou club reaction lesson
    • comment: she and nino really do look alike. nino looked kinda cute in those flashy clothes, lol. it was part of the gag, but aiba spitting out that egg was still great, hahaha. sho went along with the "kiss and make up" gag so easily!
  • 2010-08-05ad/ad
    • vip room: youn-a (gyrotonic exercise, yakiniku)
    • one-shot gambler: shiina kippei & namase katsuhisa (counting paper money, throwing crumpled paper in a garbage can, threading a needle)
    • comment: good choice, youn-a~ huhu. *v* as expected, jun! that's what happens when you're naturally caring and engage people. *v*!! one-shot gambler is surprisingly kinda fun?
  • 2010-08-19ad/ad
    • vip room: aragaki yui (everyone's gakki vs bad gakki, good gakki vs bad gakki)
    • ranking derby:
      • member you want to have a summer romance with (bikini girls)
      • member you want to date (transgender women)
      • member you would go on a date with (aibu saki)
    • comment: gakki saying jun is tsundere and jun admitting his embarrassment ;v; ohno's face when sho's mistaken for the leader instead, lol.
  • 2010-08-26 mannequin five sp (aeon lake town) ★ st/st
    • comment: how the hell was ohno not last??? i swear aiba got cheated out of a top two spot again, what the hell? gdi this corner drives me nuts, i don't get other people's tastes AT ALL. jun looked super cute in his photoshoot at least ♥
  • 2010-09-09ad/ad
    • vip room: kichise michiko (physical health, wii fishing game, misuji dishes, cleanliness, things her manager wants her to change)
    • doubt action: uffun breath, stinky hell)
    • comment: matsumiya fishing ♥ kichise michiko was sooo giggly, everyone looked lost, lol. jun's smile during the doubt action breath part was cute ;v; wouldn't have guessed sho though?!
  • 2010-09-16st/st
    • vip room: fukada kyoko (puppies, herbal hotpot, innocent smiles, love confession)
    • one-shot gambler: shibasaki kou (internal body stopwatch, money count, pancake snap)
    • comment: the puppies were so cute ;v; ahhh i wanted to see jun hold one, though... cameraman pls. everyone getting nervous and cheering each other on during one-shot gambler was cute.
  • 2010-10-28 mannequin five sp (kanjani8) ★ st/st
    • comment: this was such a fun episode. some nice outfits, too. good for you, sho. :'D jun looked so good... the hair, the outfit, his whole look was a+ ♥
  • 2010-12-23 christmas sp ★ ad/ad
    • vip room: ashida mana (acting career, pickled cucumbers, rirupuri performance with jun/aiba, riding a unicycle)
    • mannequin five: adult christmas party outfit with a hint of red (vs adult team)
    • comment: mana-chan is so cute c: jun telling everyone to eat in a cute way, and ohno and nino complying, hehe. mannequin five was alright. would've liked to see more variety, though.
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