episode 5

  • Sometimes I felt like my mom was an embarrassment. There were times I couldn't understand why she seemed to have self-consciousness or a sense of pride and got angry. I didn't realise it then , but it was because there was something precious that she wanted to protect more than herself. And that it was because of me. When true love manifests it doesn't allow one to be concerned over one's pride and causes one to cast it aside. That's why mothers are strong.
  • They say that God created mothers because they can't be everywhere at once. Even when one is at the age to be a mom, one's mother is always one's guardian and even saying the word "Mom" is something that has the power to tug at one's heartstrings. Mothers are always strong.
  • When one is at the age when one can console one's mother, it's when one has matured past being able to say "Thank you" and "I love you". If one wishes to make one's mother happy, the words "Mum, I need you" are more than enough.

episode 7

  • Time continues on. That's why time eventually creates farewells and it always leaves people with regrets. If you love someone, you have to tell them now before your fleeting days become filled with regret. In some ways, the biggest present that time leaves us with is the memories we have of loving others. That's why you have to shove embarrassment aside and confess your love to the one you love before it's too late.
  • It just may be because of the sons and daughters of the world that the people of the world began to have faith in religions due to their parents, who wished for their happiness and wellbeing above all else. God, Buddha, Allah and Santa must exist for the sake of all of the mothers and fathers in this world as well as their children.

episode 12

  • (Sungwoo complains about why Mom insists on working when he doesn’t want her to suffer, when he doesn’t need or want nice clothes or shoes) Bora: “That’s enough. Go massage your mom’s shoulders. Go home and massage your mom’s shoulders.” She knows that he hates it that Mom is working, but she says that his mother hates not being able to buy him new shoes. She tells him to think of it from Mom’s perspective too, because it’s not always about him getting to be guilt-free because that makes him feel good. Bora: “Loving someone isn’t just the room to give. It’s a desperate need to give because you have to. You love your mom, right? Loving someone is a really difficult thing. Loving someone is also never being able to hate a person, even if they endlessly cause you pain, making you endlessly want to hate them, but you can’t. Loving someone isn’t not hating them. It’s not being able to hate them.”
feb 2 2016 ∞
may 28 2016 +