• We are all englobed in this society standard that we should be better than who we were yesterday. 
  • “I feared my good days were over and I couldn’t run anymore but I can run again.”
  • “I read her favourite books to understand her. That’s how I learned more about her.”
  • “When I’m with him, I wish the moment would continue and my day would last longer”
  • “He didn’t ask when he knew I was struggling. We just had a silly conversation”
  • “There are those nights. Those nights where I wish she knows how I feel without having to tell her”
  • “We are like books. We wait for someone to find us and open us to see what’s inside.”
  • “One cold day, I suddenly realised that I’ve been in love with her for a while” “I answered. I was afraid she might see me through.”
  • “Sleep was my safe haven”
  • “When I was in pain I thought of him. His name alone comforted me greatly.”
  • “I realised our ties will be Long, and that we’ll become friends who will go on a Long journey together”
  • “We bickered about who’ll get old first. We agreed to take photos when we’re old”
  • “When the world changes drastically, people’s diligence keeps it up.”
  • “All I have to do is put on ointment when she falls, I believe she will get up and charge forward”
  • “We are trees that branch out in solitude and bear fruits. We are beautiful trees with growth rings of our lives.”
  • “I remember him bringing me flowers. It’s a memory that makes me smile”
  • “She knows how to be happy and she always shines in the same spot like Polaris”
  • “I learn about people at this company. In the end, no one can live without people.”
  • “Only after finishing the book, I can see what I missed and life goes the same.”
  • “Everyone has their own tunnel to pass. A hand from others helps us forget our fear.”
  • “A book that inspires others may not always inspire you, so find a book that does.”
  • “In life, we face many hurdles. We use each other’s love to jump over them.”
  • “Your hand is always warm. Because I want you to be warm.”
  • “Telling someone how you feel is as hard as translating ancient documents”
  • “Sharing a moment with someone is precious because it can lead to other possibilities”
  • “A book that inspires others may not always inspire you, so find a book that does.”
  • “She said, “only you can write it then.” She made me become the person I am today.”
  • “Too many thoughts about her fill my head.”
  • “Lending a shoulder to cry on is more comforting than telling someone not to cry.”
  • “Having feelings for someone means giving away a bit of your heart”
  • “Loving someone is strange and amazing at the same time”
  • “When we exchange lines from our heart, we cry, smile, and learn to love others.”
  • “When we held hands it felt different. The warmth washed away all my worries.”
  • “Once again, I open the book about you.”
  • “Life is evanescent and transient. Life is like a spring dream. An empty dream. It’s useless and futile. And it’s empty and vain. Everything is pointless.”
  • “How about this then? Let’s fold the corner of this page for now. There are times when we want to take a break from reading a book. So we leave it marked by folding the corner of the page to read it later on. Let’s do that too. We’ll leave this page marked and open the book again whenever you want to.”
  • “Dear strangers, hello. I was lonely. But my solitude made it perfect. So please don’t say something repulsive like you miss me, for it disgusts me. I don’t believe God exists. But I hope that you’re at least waiting for me and that we will recognise each other. And for that reason…”
  • “Because of you, I do not sway until the very end regardless of how windy it gets. Although this world is full of frowns and grimaces, because of you, I’ve become someone who can smile even when I’m on my own. Thank you. I am happy for I could stay strong even during the most difficult days.”
  • “A fair part of this unfair world is everyone lives once. What kind of life it’ll be depends on you.”
  • “Keeping a promise is rare like a star in darkness that is meant to shine.”
  • “we’re small, but we can go anywhere. You can do anything if you want it enough.”
  • “Passion spreads like the warmth of a fire spreads. It becomes comfort, hope and happiness.”
  • “It’s been a very long time since I opened my eyes to see the world, and I can see that it’s still midnight. It’s still dark. However, I am no longer afraid. … I don’t believe that a single book is capable of changing the world. However, I still would like to tell you to become someone who’s like a book. A book may not be able to change the world, but I’m sure it can still leave something warm inside someone’s heart. Just like how you hid between the sentences in a book when you were lost. Just like how I met a book named Eun Ho and was offered a very warm consolation in the last moments of my life, Eun Ho, I want you to become a book that can consolate others like you did to me. I want you to meet people and live this world with sincerity deep down in your heart. A single book might not be able to change the world or change a person’s life. But a good book is bound to be read by everyone. Eun Ho, you have always protected me despite all the rumours that kept spreading. I pray that you’ll also be able to receive consolation by meeting a person who’s like a book.”
  • “I opened up an old book of mine again. It was good when I first read the book. But when I read it for the second and third time, this book made me underline the sentences over and over again. I find new sentences in this book every day. It’s a book that stayed with me the longest.”
jan 10 2020 ∞
jan 10 2020 +