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"Perhaps, in this universe, there exists a sole, absolute truth. Perhaps it clarifies every question. But that is beyond the reach of these short hands." - Yang Wenli


Hi, I'm Charlie. As of writing this, I'm 20.5 years old. I grew up in Massachusetts, never spent more than four years at any school, and am studying in Fitchburg for a bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Mathematics with a focus in Game Design and a minor in Latin. I love saying that last bit just to show off but also to remind myself of how far I've come.

I mentioned how I never spent more than four years at one school. My childhood was somewhat turbulent in 4th grade. I was tested for autism and other deficiencies, and while no diagnoses were issued, I was transferred to other schools by my parents. By my junior year of high school, I rejoined my original district and finished strong, graduating on time with flying colors.

Aside from school, I think have a personality. I trained for five years in Tae Kwon Do, which made me humble, disciplined, and a bit righteous. Also it made my legs big with all the kicking. Back on track, I spend my free time usually in quiet places, playing games, listening to music, writing little programs, and just thinking about stuff.

I discovered in high school that I'm bisexual, and as of now I'm more partial to boys. I should start saying men since I'm technically an adult but you get the idea. I've only had a couple of crushes, all girls. Most of them were poorly thought out and never really went anywhere, but I don't mind, since none of them were that upset or anything. I'm not too worried about dating since I don't know where I'll be in even the next 3 years, but I'm not going to outright refuse any offers or opportunities.

Also, for all practical purporses, I'm a guy, although I'm trying to present and identify as something more androgynous. I always dreaded parts of my gender identity from a young age, mainly manifested in how I always had short hair. I started growing it out around the same time I found out I was bisexual. If our culture ever comes to accept that gender is a spectrum and stop fighting the use of singular they, I'll feel more comfortable about really pushing my identity.

After uni, I hope to go into grad school and eventually pursue doctoral studies. After that, I hope to teach at a university, and study both math and computers. Usually, those are two separate departments, but I think I can make it work. I also hope to visit Norway soon, as I'm 1/4 Norwegian and 3/4 other European stuff. I like Norway the most of my heritage since my Norwegian grandpa is one of my closest family members, Norway itself is a picturesque country, and they have a tendency to stay out of world troubles throughout history, comparatively at least.

Although it's not strictly apart of my heritage, I'm fascinated by the Roman Empire and related Italian stuff. I started taking Latin lessons in high school, and have continued them in uni. My studies culminated in a four week trip to Italy in the summer of 2017, where we stayed in Verona, and toured Venice, Florence, Salo, and Milan. We also got to visit Sirmione, a peninsula in Lake Garda, at which the ancient poet and playboy Catullus once lived. I recited a poem of his at the "Grotto of Catullus", ruins of an imperial palace at the apex of the peninsula. Later we got to swim in the lake, and it was nice. I got sunburnt though.

jul 16 2017 ∞
jul 28 2017 +