- Jose Gonzalez 12/10/2022 I hated everyone there but it was nice
- Samurai Drive & Ben Narcis 28/10/2022 sold
- Altin Gün 13/11/2022 sold
- The Keeymen & Takeshi's Crew 24/11/2022
- Zeal & Ardor 11/12/2022 sold
- Aviary & Sworr 09/12/2022
- Federico Albanese 02/03/2023
- Dame Area 03/11/2022 sold
- Sunday/Dimanche 04/11/2022 lovely!
- TV Girl 08/11/2022 sold
- The Fran Palermo Funeral Band 05/11/2022 sold
- Trentemoller 28/11/2022 sold
- Materia 08/12/2022
- Death Bells 19/10/2022 missed it how sad
- Fotocrime 18/10/2022 sucked omg
- Riki 21/11/2022 sold
- son lux
- HEALTH went too drunk and I was feeling so restless everyone was ugly and I wanted to go home
oct 8 2022 ∞
dec 4 2022 +