- "A lump of steel, like a shooting star. Just seeing the same sky as you makes familiar scenery look different. I swing between hope and despair at your slightest gesture, and my heart starts to play a melody. What kind of feeling is this again? What do they call this kind of feeling? I think it's probably... called love. I'm sure this is what they call love." -- your lie in april
- "And I have no control over which yesterdays I keep and which ones get deleted. This disease will not be bargained with. I can't offer it the names of the US presidents in exchange for the names of my children. I can't give it the names of state capitals and keep the memories of my husband." -- still alice, lisa genova
- "Even though I'm bitter over losing, even though I'm depressed, even though my ankle hurts, and my eyes are smeared with tears... even though I've never felt worse... I wonder why the stars are sparkling like this." -- your lie in april
- "I don't know why I go walking at night, but now I'm tired and I don't want to walk anymore. I hope it doesn't take the rest of my life until I find what it is that I've been looking for." -- the river of dreams, billy joel
- "I may not have anywhere to go... but I can't just selfishly disappear either." - natsume's book of friends, yuki midorikawa
- "Read books. Devouring them with the speed of two people famished for words, ideas, and beautiful sentences that make you feel everything." -- a heart in a body in the world, deb caletti
- "That fear had been inside him for many years, it had lived with him, it had been another shadow ever since the night he awoke, shaken by a bad dream, and realised that death was not only a permanent probability, as he has always believed, but an immediate reality." -- love in the time of cholera, gabriel garcía márquez
- "The paint and paper look as if a boys' school had used it. It is stripped off - the paper - in great patches all around the head of my bed, about as far as I can reach, and in a great place on the other side of the room low down. I never saw a worse paper in my life. One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin." -- the yellow wallpaper
jan 3 2025 ∞
mar 1 2025 +