top 10 of 2022 (new) ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
- final fantasy xiv
- coral island
- unpacking
- pokemon violet
- resident evil 2: remake
- powerwash simulator
- house flipper
- omori
- ghost exorcism inc
- disney dreamlight valley
new ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
- adventure capitalist
- bear and breakfast
- chill corner
- coral island
- disney dreamlight valley
- escape simulator
- feed all monsters demo
- final fantasy xiv online
- ghost exorcism inc
- house flipper
- the legend of zelda: breath of the wild
- lawn mower simulator
- little witch in the woods
- lost nova
- nintendo switch sports
- omori
- overwatch 2
- persona 5 royal
- pico park
- pokemon legends: arceus
- pokemon violet
- powerwash simulator
- resident evil 2 remake
- the spirit and the mouse demo
- star stuff demo
- subnautica
- unpacking
- wylde flowers
continued ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
- among us
- animal crossing: new horizons
- cookie run kingdom
- cozy grove
- dead by daylight
- fall guys
- fortnite
- genshin impact
- haven park
- phasmophobia
- the sims 4
- stardew valley
- skyrim
- valorant
replayed ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
- bioshock 1
- bioshock 2
- persona 4 golden
- pokemon: let's go eevee
dec 31 2022 ∞
dec 29 2024 +