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18 years old. light brown curly hair. dark brown eyes. i love my family and friends, fashion magazines, shopping, & animals. im still trying to figure out what im good at in life and what i want to do.

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  • i wish that the world wasnt filled with horrible poverty.
  • i wish that people didnt do drugs.
  • i wish that people didnt harm animals or each other.
  • i wish that there werent wars, especially wars over religion.
  • i wish that there werent crazy, heinously bad people in the world.
  • i wish that the earth was healthier/cleaner.
  • i wish that there was a cure for all sicknesses.
  • i wish that there wasnt starving/thirsty people/animals in the world.
  • i wish that everyone has someone/something who loves them.
  • i wish that everyone has someone/something to love.
  • i wish that everyone wasnt so greedy.
  • i wish that money didnt define people.

if any of these things were to come true, im sure we'd have a perfect world. but we wouldnt have people that strive to help other people. we wouldnt have people that wanted to be the first to cure cancer. we wouldnt have people that wanted to make the world a better place. we wouldnt have things to wish for.

everything happens for a reason.

jan 10 2011 ∞
jan 17 2011 +