• "One ring to rule them all". LOFR
  • "... And when he had crossed the bridge the phantoms come to meet him". Narrator (Nosferatu)
  • "... she's not YOUR woman you can't own people, except for the guy who bought all the bus apperently he can" Jack Black (Year One).
  • "Go in or go back" - Gollum
  • "Your father loves you Faramir... he will remember it before the end" - Galdalf the white
  • "The way is shot, it was made for those who are dead... the way is shot". LOTR
  • "... and I slept for a while... and then I woke up, Al... and... I can't see anything!"
  • "I'm blind! I'm blind! I can't see!" Woody Allen (Hollywood Ending)
  • "I don't wanna sourvive, I wanna live!" Captain (WALL-E)
  • "So far our conspirancy has gone undetected" Chinese translator (Hollywood Ending)
oct 17 2010 ∞
apr 7 2014 +