• death is one of the few topics that holds my complete attention. it fascinates me more than i can say.
  • people with tattoos (there are exceptions) are at least 50% more attractive to me. the larger and more elaborate the better. chest pieces and/or half-sleeves are a +100.
  • i love my home state with all of my heart. i honestly believe it's one of, if not the best place on this planet. wisco forever.
  • i can nearly recite 'nick and norah's infinite playlist' on command. roughly 10% of my daily banter is quotes from or references to that movie.
  • whenever i play rockband with friends, i usually end up singing. not because i have the nicest voice, but because out of all of them, i am the only one who has fun singing songs i don't really know.
  • warm days with cloudless skies and slightly chilly days with a contstant, moderate rain are the only sort of days that i truly enjoy.
  • being drunk is one of my favorite states of mind. i do not 'drink to forget' or just for the sake of getting drunk. i do it because i enjoy the honesty that is it's by-product. as they say, drunken mind betrays sober heart.
  • ironically, i have absolutely no respect for people whose lives revolve around "getting respect". this pertains mostly to gang members and "gangstas". it's a stupid, selfish ideal. you give to get, regardless of your name, age, race, gender, whatever. it's that simple.
  • i taught myself how to read when i was two.
  • people who place a ridiculous amount of faith in a god worry me. i feel that it's simply unrealistic. while my views have shifted over time, and i do believe that some higher power exists, i don't think it really gives two shits about humans. trying to gain favor with it won't get you anyhwere.
  • hate is an energy-wasting emotion and too negative to be any good for anyone's karma. i avoid it at all costs.
  • my jealous tendancies will get me killed.
mar 23 2010 ∞
mar 23 2010 +