performances seen
- 120728 ㅤkcc's 1st anniversary (guest: boyfriend)
- 130119 ㅤdream kpop fantasy concert
- 131103 ㅤ2013 infinite 1st world tour: one great step in manila
- 151107 ㅤgot7's 1st fanmeeting in the philippines
- 190706 ㅤkcon ny 2019 day 01
- 190707 ㅤkcon ny 2019 day 02
- 220129 ㅤexcision presents the coliseum day 02
- 220409 ㅤi have to do this show
- 220226 ㅤeric nam: there and back again tour
- infj ㅡ introvert, intuitive, feeling, judging
- △ aries ☼ pisces ☾ pisces (info)
- ipersonic: dreamy idealist
- spacefem quizzes
dec 9 2012 ∞
jun 8 2022 +