• January: Tense moments with the examns. Cross your fingers!
  • February: Approved to SIX colleges: USP/UNICAMP/FAMERP/UNESP/UNIFESP/FURG.
  • March: Moving to São Paulo, quite hard, but colleges makes everything worth it!
  • April: I twisted my ankle, so I'm having a 2-week-vacation. Then I got sick, like a bad flu or something like that.
  • May: Then I got a food intoxication. On the weekedn of Diabólicas party (still went tho). Seu Jorge's concert.
  • June: ARRITMIA! Having fun on college. Hard examns. Hoping love will work this time.
  • July: VACATIONS finally :D Croco Club, Asteroid Bar, Campos do Jordão, compras em SP, Show do Luan Santana, Show da Avril
  • August: College, basically
  • September: G(-4), holidays, college.
  • October: INTERENF finally! Second place, CHUPA PAULISTA, 3rd place on the basket ball female competition
  • November: College going intensively, Amorzinho
  • December: 1st year of college - SUCCEED! Amorzinho, Sorocasa!, Xmas and New Year.
apr 13 2011 ∞
dec 23 2011 +