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Some people think they know me this is the real me!!! I am a wild wreck of innocence & will always be a free-spirit,, I have 2 beautiful lil' girls. The center of my world!!! I am open minded & will try anything once I'm not by any means afraid to speak my mind. I am addictive! LEAVE A COMMENT I LOVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!

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  • Hind sight is 20/20
  • Karma does exist
  • First impressions really do count for more then people like to admit
  • Drama is somehow... everywhere
  • Plants die if not tended to correctly
  • Children love you no matter what
  • True love never dies
  • Beta fish are the easiest fish to own
  • Dark furniture shows no stains
  • I do miss high school as much as I was told I would
  • With enough elbow grease, anything can be cleaned
  • Batteries die to fast & are expensive
  • Hazelnut candles smell like pancakes and syrup
  • A VCR is great to have
  • Lighters are the most stolen and/or lost item
  • The time difference between earning money and spending money is very depressing
  • Beer really does make steak taste better
  • It is never to late to go back to school
  • Inward beauty is more important then outward beauty
aug 13 2009 ∞
aug 13 2009 +