Nick Fury: I’m not the director of anybody. I’m just an old man, who cares very much about you.

Tony Stark: And I’m the man who killed the Avengers. I saw it. I didn’t tell the team, how could I? I saw them all dead, Nick. I felt it. The whole world, too. It’s because of me. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t do all I could.

Nick Fury: The Maximoff girl, she’s working you, Stark. Playing on your fear.

Tony Stark: I wasn’t tricked, I was shown. It wasn’t a nightmare, it was my legacy. The end of the path I started us on.

Nick Fury: You’ve come up with some pretty impressive inventions, Tony. War isn’t one of them.

Tony Stark: I watched my friends die. You’d think that’d be as bad as it gets, right? Nope. Wasn’t the worst part.

Nick Fury: The worst part is that you didn’t.

jul 25 2018 ∞
jul 25 2018 +