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Don't follow me if:

  • you meet stand dnfi criteria (transphobic, homophobic, etc, etc)
  • you're under 15
  • you are actually a hitman here to kill me. i don’t fuck with your energy.

A DISCLAIMER!: As a social work major, current events are extremely interesting to me. Though I distance myself from petty drama these days, I often am openly critical of my interests, current events, and things like that. I try to still be positive and avoid flat out drama but if I ever make you uncomfortable, please let me know and I’ll tag stuff, or tone down as needed!

As an added disclaimer, if we used to be friends and fell out of contact for any reason, feel free to reach out to me! I don’t have any specific people on my DNFI

oct 18 2016 ∞
may 9 2019 +