I HAVE TWO CATS i love them so so much and they are the lights of my little life.

here's a picture of them together...

  • lucky is a fat little calico and we celebrate her birthday on july 1st! she's 10 and she is very shy and anxious but shes bonded with me. her bones hurt due to arthritis so she doesn't like to be picked up and shes slow to move but still runs downstairs to get her breakfast every morning. shes super food motivated so ive taught her to high five me. she's the dominant cat in the household and carries her tail with a little kink in it. her favourite toy is a mcdonalds tiger plush that she kicked the shit out of and ripped all the beans out of. she's very loving when you get to know her and she sticks her face in peoples shoes and likes to lick one spot on our wall for reasons currently unknown....

  • tucker is an orange tabby and he's also 10, but the younger brother because he's born on november 6th (they're not actually related lol). he's very talkative and outgoing with new people and likes to headbutt you. he doesn't like to be held. he has chronic ear infections and is Stinky sometimes because of that but he cant control it so i try not to judge. when we go to bed at night he walks up and down the hallway and screams. he has a few mcdonalds hamster beanie babies that he likes to carry in his mouth. sometimes he lines them up in piles outside your door when you're sleeping or he brings them to your bed. lucky likes to boss him around and kicks him out of his bed sometimes even though we bought them two identical beds to stop them fighting.

may 27 2019 ∞
jan 23 2020 +