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Avid tea drinker, undogmatic cat worshiper, dreamer, awkward conversationalist, introverted excavator, herbivorous half-wit, extemporaneously spasmodic misanthropist, bedroom nudist, underwear dancer, clothes peg colour co-ordinater, persistently perplexed person, pettifoggingly pernickety, mechanically maladroit misfit, aimless wandering vagabond, bookslut.

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Now that I no longer share a bed, of a nighttime I usually spend endless hours searching the extremities of the interweb in search of new music to fall asleep to. I start by searching albums that I like in the iTunes Music Store and then scrolling down to the "Listeners Also Bought" section, which has a list of albums similar to the one I just searched. I then click on mystery bands to preview. If I like them enough I purchase their music and if I like them more than enough I will usually search them on Google and do a little band research.

Anyways, here is a list of some of the musicians that have recently stood out for me during my late night iTunes shopping:

  • Goldmund (Keith Kenniff, who also fronts Helios)
  • Mint Julep (Keith Kenniff continuing to amaze me)
  • Xeltrei (David Wenngren, also fronts my favourite band Library Tapes)
  • Murralin Lane (David Wenngren, again)
  • Machinefabriek
  • Steindór Andersen
  • Benoît Pioulard
  • Rökkurró
  • Parachutes
  • The Bedroom Recordings of Þverfellshorn
  • Erpur Eyvindarson
  • Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson
  • Karen O And The Kids (which I actually discovered whilst watching Where The Wild Things Are)
  • Rafael Anton Irisarri
  • Nils Frahm
  • Julien Neto
  • Colleen
  • Small Sails
  • Danny Norbury
  • Metallic Falcons
  • Secret Garden (whilst watching the Japanese movie 2046)
  • Yndi Halda
  • I'm Not A Gun
  • Keiran Hedben
  • The Album Leaf
  • Herrman & Kleine
  • Ryuichi Sakamoto
  • Little Dragon (whilst listening to Triple J)

Also, I discovered Sigur Rós a few years ago when I stayed at a friend's house. She had the 'Takk...' album playing in the background when we went to bed and I fell in love with their beautiful music somewhere between asking her to turn it up and falling asleep. After watching their documentary, Heima, three days ago I fell in love with them some more and felt the need to mention them here.

The few days after watching Heima have been spent searching the extremities of the internet for each and every Sigur Rós song ever recorded. I have also decided that one of my many goals in my short life is to experience them live before I die. It is just something that I NEED to do. They are such an incredible musical force, and it saddens me that they are so under appreciated in this world of Justin Bieber's and Lady Gaga's, who, let's face it, barely even write their own music. Sigur Rós, in such a short time, have created something that most musicians spend a lifetime aspiring to attain.

I feel sorry for anyone who has never heard a single Sigur Rós song, and for all those people out their who are too busy singing along to the noise spewing out of their radios to appreciate actual good music. The type of music that is so special it is hidden in the corners of the internet waiting to be discovered. The music I spend hours each night searching for. The type of music that makes your whole body shiver and your eyes well with tears. The type of music that makes you feel things the Katy Perry's of our world know nothing about.

dec 28 2010 ∞
jan 7 2011 +