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Avid tea drinker, undogmatic cat worshiper, dreamer, awkward conversationalist, introverted excavator, herbivorous half-wit, extemporaneously spasmodic misanthropist, bedroom nudist, underwear dancer, clothes peg colour co-ordinater, persistently perplexed person, pettifoggingly pernickety, mechanically maladroit misfit, aimless wandering vagabond, bookslut.

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  • moved out of home (for the 3rd & final time)
  • gained full time employment in an office
  • moved away from his hometown to a big city
  • became somewhat financially independent
  • lived with complete strangers and their cat for 3 months
  • became a temporary vegan (this meant living in hell without ice-cream or cheese for 3 months)
  • came to terms with and embraced his inner freak
  • found someone to talk to and to keep him warm at night
  • moved in with and put all of his trust into that someone
  • found a new and exciting best friend of a different colour
  • survived Gypsy life in a motor home for 2 months
  • learnt to lower his expectations in order to avoid constant disappointment
  • made everyone birthday cards instead of buying shitty generic ones
  • rediscovered what it is that he wants to do with his life (still working on this)
  • lived with a primary school princible who was never home
  • moved into a two floor penthouse high above the sea
  • stopped biting his nails (for almost a month)
  • became slightly more comfortable in his own skin
  • dealt with frequent stressful situations quite well
  • survived a family holiday on a boat way out at sea
  • managed to maintain his vegetarianism (except for that time Jonfen snuck some slaughtered pig into his penne and convinced him it was facon which he later found out wasn't fake at all and nearly vommed).
  • remained cool, calm and collected when others were in a state of apprehension
  • tried a million and one new and exotic foods without vomiting
  • wrote and delivered several letters to numerous people
  • became conscious of the things that he should have always been grateful for
  • learnt how to forget about not-so-nice past experiences and to focus more on the nicer ones
  • told his mother that he loves her (multiple times)
  • tried and quite often succeeded at noticing something beautiful every day
  • changed his pillow case (nearly) every day
  • ate an entire apple, including the core (he was exceptionally hungry)
  • shared his umbrella with a complete stranger
  • co-organised a Masquerade Ball
  • was responsible for awarding prizes for the best Masks
  • fell in, and subsequently out of love
  • left the city life behind and moved home to pursue aspirations to study
  • gained part time employment at an insurance company
  • discovered who his real friends were
  • did what he wanted, when he wanted
  • realised that the thought of loneliness isn't actually that bad
  • let go of grudges and stopped defining his life by how much he has been hurt
  • went from vegetarian to pescetarian and back to vegan again
  • quit drinking and drugging in pursuit of a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle
  • won a cheap bottle of wine for dressing as an elf
  • made the majority of his sister's christmas present himself
  • rediscovered his creative expression
  • devised a plan to put his creativity to use
  • stopped worrying over trivial matters (there are a few exceptions)
  • wrote an entire list in third person
aug 24 2010 ∞
dec 30 2010 +