- Show them how to eat string cheese
- Read them Grimm's Fairy Tales and the Chronicles of Narnia
- Teach them about Jesus
- Dance around the kitchen with them to oldies music like my mom did with me
- Cook together
- Make up songs we can sing together
- Make mudpies and sock puppets
- Pick flowers and make them into necklaces and crowns
- Have picnics
- Teach them how to drive without killing anyone
- Braid their hair
- Teach them the guitar and the piano (if they want)
- Take them to museums and the ballet and the symphony
- Make them watch "It's a Wonderful Life" every year at Christmas like my mom did with me
- Help them pick out their prom dresses
- Take them to street fairs and amusement parks and the beach and everywhere else that's fun
- Go on at least one road trip
- Fly kites
- Teach them how to tie their shoes
- Teach them about everything
- Help with their homework
- Make sure they know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are loved and valuable and special and wonderful and awesome
- Paint/sculpt/create works of art
feb 4 2009 ∞
aug 25 2011 +