• Noel Blanc (24 years old, Autistic, Cabin 103)

A young pixie who has worked as a camp counselor at Ariada Springs for 7 years. She's straightforward and no nonsense. Play it safe and follow the rules. She's considered a 'stick in the mud' by her peers but doesn't understand the phrase. She believes she doesn't have any supernatural qualities, but was raised by a Werebear, a Guardian, and an imp.

  • Jessie-Jay Soriano (19 years old, Dyslexic, Cabin 107)

A lackluster witch who's more interested in using her magic for tricks and pranks than the practical quality she was raised to practice. She's working as a counselor at Camp Aradia Springs for college credit and volunteer hours. She's very lax when it comes to schedules and rules so the younger campers adore her because they are able to get away with just about anything. Within the first week of her being a counselor, Jessie-Jay dyed her hair purple and pierced her bellybutton and nose. (Her parents had kept her from doing anything of the sort her whole life and since they hadn't been there to tell her no...)

  • Oliver Cervin (21 years old, Cyclothymic Disorder, not staff)

An angsty dick if you've ever seen one. He's standoffish, rude, and he refuses to hide his disdain whenever he's spoken to. He dislikes social interaction and usual has a camera around his neck to hide behind so he can avoid conversation. His adoptive mother booted him off at the Camp so she could spend her summer with one of her most recent boyfriends. Oliver didn't really care but she had left him without his camera and he's fUCKOING PISSED!!!!!! So he broods harder than any broody boy you've ever seen before and Jessie-Jay, his cabin leader, takes his awful attitude as a challenge and makes him her "summer-smiley" project. Camp Aradia is for supernaturals wanting to spend time among eachother and being free to be themselves, but Oliver finds this out the hard way after watching a werewolf change into their natural form outside the dining hall and sprinting off to the lake. Oliver had actually thought he'd been the only person with a 'freakish nature' because he'd been raised among humans his entire life. So he hides himself for a while longer until confronted by Jessie-Jay and then he reveals that he's actually a mermaid. Jessie-Jay helps Oliver come to terms with himself and his supernatural side and they end up becoming good friends.

mar 17 2017 ∞
apr 20 2020 +