• 5th grade: Turning our desks into a makeshift flea market where the most highly traded goods consisted of lip gloss, tad poles, and friendship bracelets. My pen repair business was thriving.
  • Traveling around Europe with Sean during the summer of 2011. Best memories include:
    • Amsterdam. More particularly, going out with the friends we made in Amsterdam at our hostel. Three boys from England and a girl from China who went to Amsterdam for the history but recieved a culture shock instead.
    • The Sziget music festival in Budapest
      • Being the only hula hooper, I drew a lot of attention which had its ups and downs. It was fun having some fans but being asked to hoop constantly gets a little annoying when you are trying to enjoy the music. People also felt they had the right to "try it"... stop stealin my hoop!
      • Music was incredible! Favorite acts include La Roux, Kasbian, The Chemical Brothers, Gotan Project, Afrocubism, and pretty much anything that was on in the reggae stage or "ambient garden tent"
    • The train/bus ride from Prague to Vienna to Venice. Unforgettable views through Switzerland and Italy.
    • Piazza San Marco in Venice - playing with the pigeons - it was straight out of a movie. Also, the pizza and gelato were unlike anything I've ever tasted.
    • A beer garden in Brussels called Dilerium. 100s of beers on tap. The waffle that ended the night will forever be ardent in my memory.
  • Freshman year of college. First taste of real independence, new friends and fun parties. Back when classes were easy and track was "fun"
jan 16 2012 ∞
jan 16 2012 +